Geidy Lung Geidy Lung is Legal Officer of the Copyright Law Division of the Copyright and Related Rights Sector of WIPO.
Prior to joining WIPO, Ms Lung was legal researcher and taught civil and intellectual property law in the University of los Andes (Venezuela). She practiced as an attorney and was external legal advisor of companies and foundations in the field of science and technology. She was consultant in the Cooperation for Development Bureau of WIPO for Latin America and the Caribbean in the field of copyright.
Her responsibilities at the International Bureau relate to WIPO’s activities regarding progressive development of international copyright and related rights, in particular the secretarial tasks for the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights and issues related to these rights and digital technology, particularly regarding limitations and exceptions to copyright as well as private international law.
She has represented WIPO at various international meetings in different regions of the world. Among other responsibilities, she coordinates the external relationships regarding copyright matters with various organizations such as Unesco and IFLA.
Ms. Lung is lawyer and accountant, and holds a LLM in Intellectual Property. Her publications center on copyright, unfair competition and trademark law. She speaks Spanish, English, French and Italian.