WSIS Meeting 13 June 2004, 11:00 – 21:00
Technical University of Berlin Main building, Room H 2013 Straße des 17. Juni 135 Berlin
Attendance is free, but please send an e-mail to to Charlotte Dany to let us know you will be coming for planning purposes.
On the Web: The updated versions of the agenda and more information will be available on www.worldsummit2005.org as things evolve.
European / North American WSIS Activists Meeting Berlin
The first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society is over. On the one hand a failure in terms of concrete results, on the other hand a success in networking and mobilising global civil society. The challenge is now to use the momentum, mobilise civil society, get real on implementation, and reach out to other social movements. Join us in Berlin to debate where the agendas of WSIS should be going, how we strategize for the next phase in Tunisia and improve the actual impact of civil society.
Civil society positions, successes and agendas / Working inside and outside official WSIS structures / Linking WSIS to other Information Policy Issues and Social Movements Preparations for PrepCom 1 in Tunisia / How to work with Tunisian Civil Society / Virtual Link and Debriefing to/from other conferences
Speakers include:
Karen Banks, Association for Progressive Communications, London; Ralf Bendrath, www.worldsummit2005.org, Bremen/Berlin; Renata Bloem, CONGO, Geneva; Christoph Bruch, Humanistische Union, Berlin; Tile von Damm, Perspectives of Global Policy / PerGlobal, Berlin; Andreas Dietl, European Digital Rights, Brussels; Rikke Frank Jørgensen, Danish Human Rights Institute, Copenhagen; Alvar Freude, odem.org; Robert Guerra, Privaterra, Toronto; Robin Gross, IP-Justice, San Francisco; Arne Hintz, Indymedia, Hamburg; Rainer Kuhlen, Nethics, Konstanz/Berlin; Helga Lindenmaier, Tunisia coordinator of ai Germany, Unterheinriet; Meryem Marzouki, CNRS, Paris; Claudia Padovani, CRIS Italy; Marianne Seger, EURAG, Mühlheim; Frannie Wellings, Electronic Privacy Information Center, Washington DC
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