Ralf Bendrath
Ralf Bendrath is a political scientist with a background in security studies and information society research. He spent the last five years working on "information warfare" from a critical perspective. He is a founding member of the German-Austrian "Research Group Information Society and Security Policy" (FoG:IS) and list owner of the German email discussion list "infowar.de@infopeace.de". He is currently working in a research project on "regulation and legitimacy on the internet" at the University of Bremen, where he is conducting a study on internet privacy regulation.
Ralf Bendrath has been an active civil society member in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) since 2002 and is chief editor of www.worldsummit2005.org, the leading civil society web site on the WSIS. He was a civil society member in the German government delegation to the WSIS in December 2003.