Fran Ilich
* Tijuana, 1975
Fran Ilich is the general director of cinemátik, the 1st cyber-culture festival in latin américa. he now enjoys a grant of the foeca of baja california to write cinema futuro, scripts for interactive cinema.
He's the author of the best seller novel metro-pop (ediciones sm, madrid, 1997) printed in spanish, catalán, euskera and gallego, which was awarded 2 honorary mentions, and it has been presented in all kinds of places from centro nacional de las artes (mexico 1997) to the cristina show (latinamerican tv network univision, miami, 1998). screenwriter of interacción (discovery channel) broadcasted in spanish and portuguese. 2nd place winner at the 1st international award of hispanamerican screenplay by the new york film academy & usa network (new york, 1997) with divine histery (love parade, berlin, 1997). his film una ciudad sin estilo was screened at the next 5minutes III international conference (amsterdam, 1999) and is now part of the database of the internationaal instituut voor sociale geschiedenis.
Participated with modem drama: re-inventing cinema, third world and the teenage suburbia in the international conference interactive frictions (labyrnth project - university of southern california) (los angeles, 1999) and with intense life on the international art festival trash-art by the moscow mediartlab of the soros center for the contemporary arts (moskwa, 1999). has published stories on several cd-roms. in 1995 received a grant to write ordinary world (a novel). in 1998 was awarded baja california state prize for youth, and is now being nominated for the national award for youth which the president of the mexican republic issues every year.
He writes about cyberculture for several media, including bitniks, globaldrome, and xoxo, and is independently pre-producing modem-drama-, which started as a pilot for hip tv/digital entertainment network. has worked on several film festivals in latin-america as co-ordinator, including cine estudiantil (now known as the san diego latino film festival) and the national independent videofilm festival in mexico.
He's also taking screenwriting courses at the online learning net of university of california los aangeles. his novel tekno guerrilla will be published later this year. this year cinemátik festival will be held in caracas, monterrey and mexico.
Links zu Fran Ilich:
article about the x-ploit mexican hackers
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