Bo Leuf
is these days mostly a freelance writer and author of computer books. Other hard-to-break computer related habits are Web journaling, Webhosting and Wiki Cluster management, mentoring, consultancy work, programming, translating and technical writing, and methodology development.
While writing the book The Wiki Way, and thus getting to know Ward Cunningham and the essense of Wikiness in greater detail, Bo Leuf came to see this simple tool as one grassroots mechanism for spreading Open Source and Open Content philosophy by simply instilling a pervasive practical attitude of "yes, this is how it should work" in users.
Outlook 2000 in a Nutshell: A Power User's Quick Reference, by Tom Syroid and Bo Leuf, O'Reilly and Associates, May 2000, ISBN:1-56592-704-4
The Wiki Way: Quick Collaboration on the Web, by Bo Leuf and Ward Cunningham, Addison-Wesley Longman, April 2001, ISBN 0-201-71499-X
Several other projects are in progress with probable publication in 2002.