WOS3 News 30-07-04 Die lang erwartete Audio- und Videodokumentation der WOS 3 kommt jetzt online. Audio gibt es zum Streamen in 64Kbps MP3 (M3U) und zum Download als Ogg Vorbis und als MP3s mit 96Kbps und 64Kbps. Die Videos sind in MPPEG-4 zu 305kbs und 48kbs, an einer Streaming-Variante wird gearbeitet. Gleich mal reinhören? Z.B. Eben Moglen, Dewayne Hendricks oder Michael Tiemann. Im Ablaufplan sind die Panels fett, deren AV-Dokumentation abgeschlossen ist. Weitere Texte und Folien folgen.
Herzlicher Dank geht an Roland Kubica vom WOS 3 Stream Team der Humboldt Uni, der die Mediendateien im Alleingang kodiert hat. Gehostet werden die Dateien vom Internet Archive. Danke an Simon Carless, Parker Thompson und die anderen von achive.org für ihre unermüdliche Unterstützung und an Brewster Kahle dafür, dass es dieses grandiose Archiv des freien Wissens gibt.
25-06-04 Die "Berliner Erklärung zu kollektiv verwalteten Online-Rechten" ist am Montag an die EU Kommission abgeschickt worden. Ross Anderson hat eine eigene Stellungnahme in die Konsultation zur Harmonisierung der Verwertungsgesellschaften eingegeben. Gleichzeitig mit der "Berliner Erklärung" legte eine Koalition der deutschen Zivilgesellschaft der Bundesregierung eine Stellungnahme vor, in der die NGOs sie gleichermassen auffordern, DRM zu überdenken und den Weg für eine Flatrate im Internet zu ebenen. ( Presseerklärung)
Spät aber immerhin: ein Feedback- Fragebogen steht im Wiki zur Verfügung. Lasst uns wissen, was Ihr gut fandet an der WOS 3 und was bei der WOS 4 besser werden kann. Die ersten Fotos von der Konferenz sind online. Wenn Ihr Fotos oder Videos gemacht habt und sie teilen möchtet, lasst es uns wissen.
18-06-04 Der Pressespiegel ist aktualisiert. Neben einer kontinuierlichen Berichterstattung durch Heise News, Telepolis und golem.de, haben auch der International Herald Tribune, die Frankfurter Rundschau, der Bayrischer Rundfunk, Die Zeit und die VDI Nachrichten über die WOS 3 geschrieben. Das Institut für Urheber- und Medienrecht in München findet die Berliner Erklärung zu einer Content-Flatrate berichtenswert.
16-06-04 Mit dem Workshop "Free Content -- Free Culture" am Montag ist die WOS 3 zuende gegangen. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle Vortragenden und Teilnehmer, an die Helfer und Unterstützer, an unsere Partner und Förderer und an das Core-Team! Die Berlin Declaration on Collectively Managed Online Rights befindet sich in der letzten Überarbeitung und wird am Montag in die EU-Konsultation eingegeben. Die Video-Dokumentation der WOS 3 wird ab kommender Woche verfügbar sein. Wenn Ihr Fotos und Videos habt, die Ihr mit allen teilen wollt, schickt sie bitte an info(at)wizards-of-os.org. Kritik und Lob an diese Adresse sind ebenfalls willkommen.
 Felix Stalder, Volker Grassmuck, Eben Moglen, Lawrence Lessig, Charlotte Hess, David Bollier (from left to right, click to enlarge)
The Future of the Digital Commons
12-06-04 Where does the future of the Digital Commons lie? In a high profile wrap-up session of the Wizards of OS 3 conference, Charlotte Hess of the Digital Library of the Commons, kicked off the discussion with the question how we can allow the Commons of knowledge to be appropriated by some private companies.
David Bollier, author of "Silent Theft: The Private Plunder of Our Common Wealth”, asserted that the idea of the Commons can help start a new kind of discussion, help confer new cultural meanings, and help to inspire collaborative work in communities. The widespread embrace of the idea, he said, shows a deep human yearning to explore new kinds of collaboration in a time where markets and nation states are eager to separate people.
Creative Commons founder Lawrence Lessig asked the audience to insist upon a distinction that literature often ignores – that there are different instances of “the Commons”. The pasture to graze cattle is finite – the knowledge Commons is not. The idea of a “tradegy of the commons” induces cattle-thought when thinking about the Commons. But some Commons present no such tragedy, more is good in the cultural Commons. The more is used, the more there is. “We have to get the cattle-thought idiocy out of the discussion of the Commons,” Lessig said.
The FSF’s Eben Moglen, in a declamatory speech, invited the audience to keep expecting property to anihilate itself. “It is as with the wall, which no one heared crack – until it fell,” he compared the impact of the liberalization movements in the field of the Digital Commons with the fall of the Berlin Wall. “The tanks are not coming back this time,” he invoked memories of the Prague Spring uprising in 1968, “this time we win.”

Berlin Declaration on Collectively Managed Online Rights: Compensation without Control 12-06-04 Today at the workshop after the session on Alternative Compensation Systems, the draft of the Berlin Declaration on Collectively Managed Online Rights: Compensation without Control will be discussed. It is a submission to the European Commission, urging it to consider a music flatrate in their lawmaking on collecting societies.

Creative Commons Germany has launched!  from left to right: Thomas Dreier, Armin Medosch, Till Jaeger, Christiane Asschenfeldt, Lawrence Lessig, Michael Grob, Bjoern Hartmann (click picture to enlarge)
11-06-04 Suppported by the fireworks of one of Lawrence Lessig's trademark multimedia presentations, the German Creative Commons team tonight launched the German versions of its licenses.
In front of a full house of participants at the WOS 3 main theater, iCommons coordinator Christiane Asschenfeldt, Prof. Thomas Dreier, and Dr. Till Jaeger gave an impression of the challenges the team faced in adopting the licenses to German Law, which is now successfully completed.
The launch was completed by the presentation of three German language artists already using CC licenses to make their work available to share with others. Swiss movie director Michael Grob showed a trailer of his movie "CH7", which is being shown rigth after the session. Armin Medosch sent Janko Röttger's regards - the two of them re-released their latest books under a CC license. And last but not least, DJ Bjoern Hartmann from Paris gave the audience an idea of the good CC licenses will do for the future of music - and proceeded to rock the house with his skills right after the session.
WOS 3 News  Stevan Harnad
Free Publishing
11-06-04 Why are scientists not providing Open Access to their journal articles? Or at least, why aren't enough of them providing access to their journal articles? What are examples of successful Open Access journals, what can be done to increase their impact?
These - and more - were the questions the panel 'Free Science I. -Publishing' focused on. Stefan Gradmann, Jean-Claude Guedon, Stevan Harnad, and Shu-Kun Lin had a lively discussion with Stevan Harnad "spreading some dissent", as he called it, by charging that too many scientists show too little energy in providing Open Access to their journal articles. He especially called upon authors to start self archiving their research papers in order to make much more content accessible that already exists. The fault, Harnad said, does not lie with the journal publishers, who already widely allow for self archiving, but with the scientists themselves who do not make use of this opportunity.

 Internet Freedom goes East
11-06-04 Vera Franz, Pawel Leszek, Veni Markovski and Marcell Mars discussed the successes and future opportunities for Free Software in Eastern Europe.
Pawel in his presentation pointed to the very successful “Gadu Gadu” instant messaging project in Poland. Veni gave an example of the struggle against the marketing powers and deep pockets of Microsoft in Bulgaria.
Creative Commons Germany launches tonight!
Lawrence Lessig will be here, accompanied by German project lead Christiane Asschenfeldt and Thomas Dreier and Till Jaeger who adapted the licenses to German law.
Be sure to be there. 20:00, track 1
Also on the panel: director Michael Grob and DJ Bjoern Hartmann, who both release their work under CC licenses. And not just that: You’ll be able to see it / listen to it. Grob’s movie “CH7” will show at 22.30 in track 1, at the same time Bjoern Hartmann will start spinning his vinyl (and his Powerbook hard disk) in track 2. Don’t miss it!
WOS 3 in full swing  10-06-04 In his opening speech, organizer Volker Grassmuck asked the question what the multitude of specialists gathered at WOS 3 have to talk about with each other. His answer: They all cherish freedom. Which is, of course, a very charged word, but Volker suggested as an ad hoc definition the following: Freedom as the freedom to learn from each other, modify and improve and teach to each other. As a example, Free Software fits this definition perfectly.
Eben Moglen of the Free Software Foundation (photograph above) went right to the point in his opening keynote entitled “Die Gedanken sind frei”.
Here’s a clipping of the thoughts he voiced: The phrase from the 12th centure travels down European history as a struggle which we are engaged in. There exists a relation in the struggle against control of thought – whether of education and publication by the Catholic church, censorship by state power or controlling content by owners – we have been struggling for freedom of thought, against power for a millennium. The struggle for human equality is related to the struggle for freedom of knowledge – and rightly so. We have to fight it, because we are on the sunny side of globalization – which is a project to enrich the sahreholders, which are the few, by controlling knowledge for the many.
Practical revolution is based on two things: proof of concept, and running code. Which means: do it first, allow the implications of what has been done to settle in. Technology itself is irreversible. Having brought into being the tools for liberation, it is now our duty to use them. This is our special role in the struggle for freedom of thought that we owe to industrial capitalism of the 20th centure. All that was solid melted into air – and air was something that we all knew we can freely breath. This is was digitization means.
Moglen also commented on the issue of wireless networks, saying that spectrum allocation is an evil whose time has come.
Opening Press Conference  Christiane Asschenfeldt, Atul Chitnis, Eben Moglen, Volker Grassmuck, and Thorsten Schilling
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