Contact Please direct all questions and ideas concerning content and organization of the conference to
Office Wizards of OS
Spremberger Str. 1
D-12047 Berlin
Tel.: + 49-(0)30 - 8094 9634
Fax: + 49-(0)30 - 8094 9639
Concept Volker Grassmuck
Organisation Beate Groschupf
Press Annette Schäfer
Assistent: Gudrun Herz
Speaker organization Gudrun Herz
Marketing Tom Sperlich
Finances Niels van Wieringen
Spremberger Str. 1
12047 Berlin
Tel.: + 49-(0)30 - 8094 9646
Fax: + 49-(0)30 - 8094 9649
Web Programming in Typo3 Stefan Schreck
Web Design Christine Gundelach
Logo and Print Design Carsten Eisfeld
Translations David Hudson
Coordination Local Network and Computing Linux Information Systems AG
Technical Director Aleks Stielau
Connectivity Wilhelm Schaefer
Helper Coordination Christian Schubert
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