 Panels / Authorship & Culture / Keynote: The Read-Write Society / Chair: Volker Grassmuck

Volker Grassmuck 

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Volker is a sociologist and media researcher at the Helmholtz Center for Cultural Technology of Humboldt University Berlin. His main area of interest is the digital revolution, intellectual property and free knowledge. Previous areas of research include artificial intelligence, garbage, the history of media and identity discourses in Japan, and the knowledge order of digital media. He is the project lead of the copyright information portal iRights.info and of the conference series "Wizards of OS", a freelance writer and an activist. As co-initiator of privatkopie.net he is campaigning to promote user rights and freedoms in the ongoing copyright law reforms. His publications include „Freie Software zwischen Privat- und Gemeineigentum," Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn 2002, and „Ein Plädoyer für durchsetzbare Schrankenbestimmungen für Privatkopie, Zitat und Filesharing", in: ZUM, 2/2005.

Links zu Volker Grassmuck:

link Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik
link iRights.info
link Wizards of OS
link privatkopie.net
link „Freie Software zwischen Privat- und Gemeineigentum"
link Publications

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