 WOS 3 / Programm / Workshops / One-Day Workshops / WSIS Meeting / abstr


11:00 Welcome and Introduction Ralf Bendrath, www.worldsummit2005.org, Bremen/Berlin

11:15 Civil Society Strategy: General Discussion

Brief input statements on lessons learned and steps ahead

- Civil society content and themes: positions, successes and agendas Rainer Kuhlen, Nethics, Konstanz/Berlin - CS structures: facilitating and improving the process Karen Banks, Association for Progressive Communications / APC, London - Working inside the process and in a government delegation Rikke Frank Jørgensen, Danish Human Rights Institute / Human Rights Caucus, Copenhagen/Berlin - Working outside official WSIS structures Arne Hintz, Indymedia, Hamburg - The Tunisian government’s position in the WSIS process / How to work with Tunisian Civil Society Meryem Marzouki, Human Rights Caucus, Paris - Lessons learned from global networking on development and environment Tile von Damm, Perspectives of Global Policy / PerGlobal, Berlin and Nika Greger, German Society for Nature Conservation (DNR), European and International Affairs

General Discussion

Moderation: Claudia Padovani, CRIS Italy

13:45 Lunch

15:00 Preparations for PrepCom 1 in Tunisia

Brief input statements - State of affairs in the WSIS process / Expectations for PrepCom1 Renata Bloem, CONGO, Geneva - The civil society pre-prepcom in Tunis Christoph Bruch, Humanistische Union, Berlin - The Human Rights situation in Tunisia Helga Lindenmaier, Tunisia coordinator of ai Germany, Unterheinriet - Secure communications infrastructures for us in Tunisia Alvar Freude, odem.org / Robert Guerra, Privaterra, Toronto

General Discussion

Moderation: Marianne Seger, European Federation of Older Persons / EURAG, Mühlheim

17:00 Coffee Break

17:30 Linking WSIS to other Information Policy Issues and Social Movements

North America Frannie Wellings, Electronic Privacy Information Center /EPIC, The Public Voice, Washington DC - Europe / EU Andreas Dietl, European Digital Rights/ EDRi, Brussels - How to engage WIPO, WTO, ITU and other arenas? Robin Gross, IP-Justice, San Francisco - Linking WSIS to other Information Policy Issues and Social Movements TBA

19:00 Virtual Link and Debriefing to / from other conferences

FM@dia Forum 04: Connecting Free Media, Prague/Freistadt; - US Community Technology Centres annual conference, Seattle;

20:00 Closing Plenary - Follow-up - Next events

Moderation: TBA

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