 WOS 3 / Programm / Panels / Freie Infrastrukturen / Die Zukunft der digitalen Allmende / Die Zukunft der digitalen Allmende / links

Links on the Commons

James Boyle, A Politics of Intellectual Property: Environmentalism For the Net?, 47 Duke L.J. 87 (1997)
wikipedia: Commons
de.wikipedia: Allmende
Electronic Commons / Agora Électronique: associated with the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology at the University of Toronto, director: Liss Jeffrey.
Information Commons: an online publication advocating access to ideas. An American Library Association-sponsored site collecting news, discussion, and commentary related to the information commons in theory and practice, along with announcements of updates to the info-commons.org main site. commons-blog is edited by Frederick Emrich (good collection of commons links).
Tomales Bay Institute: Reinventing the Commons.
Friends of the Commons: a new citizens’ group that reports on the state of our commons and supports other citizens working to protect and expand our commons.
Report: The State of the Commons 2003/04, by Friends of the Commons.
on the Commons.org: David Bollier's blog.
Digital Library of the Commons, Indiana University, Director: Charlotte Hess
International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP), maintained by Charlotte Hess, IASCP Information Officer. IASCP's goals are: to encourage exchange of knowledge among diverse disciplines, areas, and resource types, to foster mutual exchange of scholarship and practical experience, to promote appropriate institutional design.
The Comprehensive Bibliography of the Commons, Compiled by Charlotte Hess (The new bibliography contains 39,888 citations and 6,200 abstracts), Updated April 2004
Bibliography on the Tragedy of the Commons, (266 citations), Compiled by Charlotte Hess, December 1998
Bibliography on Indigenous Knowledge and Institutions (2100 citations), Compiled by Charlotte Hess, November 21, 2001
Charlotte Hess and Elinor Ostrom, Ideas, Artifacts, and Facilities: Information as a Common-Pool Resource, 66 Law & Contemp. Probs. 111, Winter 2003
Robert Coonrod, Creating the Digital Future, keynote address given at the Web-Wise 2003 Conference on Thursday, February 27, 2003 in Washington, D.C., First Monday, Volume 8, Number 5 — May 5th 2003
A Concise Lexicon of / for the Digital Commons, by Raqs Media Collective / September 2001
Allmendweide als alternatives Nutzungskonzept für gefährdete, offene und halboffene Landschaften, F+E-Projekt, finanziert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie,
Umweltsimulation mit Tabellenkalkulation. Die Tragödie der Gemeingüter: Ein gruppendynamisches Spiel, FH-Fulda, 9/1999

Related Events

10th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP), The Commons in an Age of Global Transition: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities, Hosted by the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Oaxaca, México, 9 – 13 August 2004

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