 Vortragende / A - E / Sandra Braman

Sandra Braman

Sandra Braman has been studying the macro-level effects of the use of new information technologies and their policy implications since the mid-1980s. Current work includes Change of State: An Introduction to Information Policy (in press, MIT Press) and the edited volumes Communication Researchers and Policy-makers (2003, MIT Press), The Emergent Global Information Policy Regime (2004, Palgrave Macmillan) and The Meta-technologies of Information: Biotechnology and Communication (2004, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates). With Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation support, Braman has been working on problems associated with the effort to bring the research and communication policy communities more closely together. During 1997-1998 Braman designed and implemented the first graduate-level program in telecommunication and information policy on the African continent, for the University of South Africa.

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