When you watched the first WSIS meeting in 2003 you might rigthfully think that it is all about process and procedures, and at best only marginally about issues - or even about bridging digital divides. When you look at the dull language of the summit declaration you might think that it is nice to see "open source" mentioned there but wonder if that's all, whether the huge efforts by thousands of activists over a time span of almost two years couldn't have been spent more effectively. The real success story behind WSIS is the global networking of civil society players that it enabled. -->more
Annette Mühlberg Referatsleiterin E-Government, Neue Medien, Verwaltungsmodernisierung beim ver.di Bundesvorstand, Berlin
Georg Greve President, Free Software Foundation Europe & European Spokesperson of the GNU Project
Jeanette Hofmann Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) & privatkopie.net, Berlin
Federico Heinz Co-Founder of the Va Libre Foundation, member of SADIO Argentine Association of Informatics, member of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR), Crdoba, Argentina
Robin Gross Executive Director, IP Justice, San Francisco