Alternative Compensation Systems Saturday, 12 June 2004, 15:00
Following the panel by the same title, this workshop is intended for finalizing a joint statement by WOS 3 participants, the Berlin Declaration on Collectively Managed Online Rights: Compensation without Control, urging European lawmakers while further architecting the knowledge order of digital media to take alternatives like a content flatrate into consideration. The statement will be submitted to the European Commission consultation on collective rights management.
Mod: Felix Stalder & Volker Grassmuck
Disc: William Fisher, Wendy Seltzer, Martin Kretschmer, Amke Block, Ronaldo Lemos, James Love, and many others.

Sources  | Berlin Declaration on Collectively Managed Online Rights: Compensation without Control, 21 June 2004
|  | European Commission consultation on collective rights management, until 21 June 2004
|  | Communication on management of copyright and related rights in the Internal Market
|  | Letter by Jörg Reinbothe, Head of Copyright Unit, EC Internal Market DG, Brussels, 21.04.2004
|  | Europe demands open-to-all DRM tech, by Tony Smith, The Register, 20th April 2004
|  | Commission report advocating European legislation on the governance of collecting societies (19.4.2004)
|  | European Parliament Report on a Community framework for collecting societies for authors’ rights (2002/2274(INI)), A5-0478/2003, Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market, Rapporteur: Raina A. Mercedes Echerer, 11 December 2003
|  | Bernt Hugenholtz, Lucie Guibault & Sjoerd van Geffen, The Future of Levies in a Digital Environment, Final Report, Institute of Information Law, University of Amsterdam, March 2003
|  | Martin Kretschmer, Digital Copyright: The End of an Era, European Intellectual Property Review (2003): pp. 333-341
|  | Martin Kretschmer, The Failure of Property Rules in Collective Administration: Rethinking copyright societies as regulatory instruments, European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR) Issue 24(3) 2002: 126-137
|  | Speech on Rights management by Mr Thomas Dreier, Copyright Conference, Santiago de Compostela, 16-18 June 2002
|  | Hearing on Collective Management, Brussels, 13-14 November 2000 |
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